Bible People Love Books

by Dec 16, 2013Personal3 comments

Just discovered in a WordPress plugin the most popular words on my blog. I’m not sure if I’m proud of this list or not. Jesus ought to be higher…


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Condoms and Consent

Condoms and Consent

Mark Regnerus in Public Discourse: Saying that it’s all on men to change their behavior may signal progressive virtue online, but it will do little to diminish real-life grief. The realities of sexual exchange will not disappear and cannot be eviscerated by fiat or...

Thanks for Praying

Thanks for Praying

I talked with John McWhorter this morning for about 45 minutes to record an episode of Lexicon Valley focused on my new book, Authorized: The Use and Misuse of the King James Bible. I'm an even bigger fan of the guy after this experience; I'm still both shocked and...

Two Pieces of Podcast News

I recently talked to Isaac Dagneau of Back to the Bible Canada's InDoubt podcast about English Bible Translations. Give a listen! I'd like to ask something I never have: would some of you, blog audience, be willing to pray just once for me as I go on another podcast...

My Room off the Hallway of Christianity

C.S. Lewis writes in his intro to his world-famous book, Mere Christianity, I hope no reader will suppose that ‘mere’ Christianity is here put forward as an alternative to the creeds of the existing communions—as if a man could adopt it in preference to...

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  1. jdsteinbach

    Which plugin is that?

  2. Duncan Johnson

    Because we all know that, like, word counts like prove everything about, like, what one believes. Like, totally.

    I like how the chart gave you a title for this post though. And how the fifth most common word is like so totally useful in commenting. 🙂