Bible People Love Books

by Dec 16, 2013Personal3 comments

Just discovered in a WordPress plugin the most popular words on my blog. I’m not sure if I’m proud of this list or not. Jesus ought to be higher…


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Wow. Just Wow.

Wow—from an evangelical literary review that looks promising: I’m wondering if perhaps “fundies” have advantage in our emerging justice culture that others don’t have. Fundies grew up knowing that what they watched and where they went had moral importance. Fundies...

A Few Lessons I Learned about Learning

I recently had occasion to reflect on what I concluded about teaching from my own years sitting under it. As I enter more teaching roles, I have to ask myself, “What makes for good learning?” Learning is ultimately a mystery, because so little of what I do, so little...

Endorsements for Authorized

My new book is out in all major print and digital formats. Order now at Amazon Order now at Logos Check out reviews at Goodreads. I've been trying to pick a moment when it was "born"... Was it when my favorite seminary professor said, "You prefer the Textus Receptus?...

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  1. jdsteinbach

    Which plugin is that?

  2. Duncan Johnson

    Because we all know that, like, word counts like prove everything about, like, what one believes. Like, totally.

    I like how the chart gave you a title for this post though. And how the fifth most common word is like so totally useful in commenting. 🙂