Walsh and Middleton, “The Transforming Vision,” (IVP, 1984), 62.

by Jun 17, 2013Books, Theology

There are only two basic categories: the Creator and the created. If we do not worship God, we will focus on something in creation and elevate it to the status of divinity. We will worship a false god. Our intrinsically religious nature will never allow us not to worship. Either we pledge ultimate allegiance to Yahweh, the only true God, or we commit ourselves to some created thing and make a god out of it. We must choose one or the other, for we cannot live without a god, and we cannot have two—at least not for long.

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Review: Finding the Right Hills to Die On by Gavin Ortlund

Review: Finding the Right Hills to Die On by Gavin Ortlund

Finding the Right Hills to Die On: The Case for Theological Triage by Gavin Ortlund My rating: 4 of 5 stars Gracious, clear, accessible. Extremely well done. I nearly docked him a star for being ever-so-slightly in a different place than I am on creationism (though I...

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