Frame on Churches in Politics

by Oct 15, 2012ChurchLife, Culture

[One] danger [for politically active churches], of course, is that churches will get so caught up in political activism that they lose sight of Christ. The solution is not to avoid political issues, but to see politics as [Abraham] Kuyper did, as an opportunity to promote the claims of King Jesus. It is also important that the church’s message, including its political statements, exude the grace of Christ. Grace is not only the center of God’s word, but a vital element of our communication, even of law. Denunciation of the evils of the world only takes us so far, it can, indeed, be counterproductive, because people come to resent constant scolding. Law and gospel must be wrapped up in one another. Political preaching should show how God’s grace itself impels us to live by standards that are different from those of the world (Ex. 20:2; Titus 2:11-13).

—John M. Frame, The Doctrine of the Christian Life, 618.

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