My students are … disproportionately unchurched (and unsynagogued and unmosqued). An astonishing number of them—15 out of 38 in the last class I asked—come to college having never set foot inside a house of worship. Despite the fact that they are extraordinarily well-read, many of them have never opened a Bible and are entirely ignorant of its contents…. Often I encounter … variations on the theme of biblical illiteracy. Recently, one of my students reported that he was surprised to realize that the Bible wasn’t a thousand-page screed against Jews, abortions, and gay people. —Susan McWilliams in The City, Fall 2012 pp. 4-5
Introduction to the Old Testament for Bibles International
I wrote the following introduction to the Old Testament for Bibles International; it is being translated and placed into Bibles all around the world. Come back tomorrow for the intro to the New Testament. The Bible tells one story, because God has one plan for all of...
We have become a caricature to the culture around us.