Love the Lord with All Your Heart

by Aug 29, 2011Mission, Music2 comments

Several years ago our outreach pastor asked me to write some music for words by our church’s resident lyricist, Eileen Berry. The purpose was to have a “theme song” for our church’s Bible clubs. Because I worked at the weekly teen club, it also landed in the rotation there. Since then it’s been sung many times at outreaches in the community.

I’m not by any means a trained composer, but we needed something a little less formal than what our highly trained composers at the church usually provided. Feel free to use it yourself.

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  1. Katie Potter

    Can you share a recording or the music to the children’s song? I don’t see it here

    • Mark Ward

      Boy… I’ve got that file somewhere. I just checked and can’t immediately find it! Will keep my eye out!