Hallelujah Flash Mobs

by Nov 22, 2010Mission, Music5 comments

If you have not yet seen the following videos (I put the better one first), then forget for once all that useless stuff I just posted about being distracted by the Internet, and just watch. I was moved to tears by both videos. It is so powerful to hear such beautiful music sung, I fear, by many people for whom the words ultimately mean nothing aside from a more cultured Christmas. But to me, and I hope to many of them, Jesus is indeed King of Kings and Lord of Lords. One day He will reign. All things will be put under His feet. And then God will be all in all.

Let all the house of Israel therefore know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified. (Acts 2:36)

Let these videos be a reminder of the blessings of the “Christ-haunted” culture in which we live. It is a grace of God that people who are blind still love to sing about the light.

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  1. Andrea

    I have seen both of these and basically can’t get enough. I watch them and weep tears of joy!

    Sure, maybe not everyone is a believer, but there it is…out there for everyone to see and hear…”King of Kings and Lord of Lords.” In a public, secular and commercial center no less. And from the looks on some faces, I do suspect there are some believers there.

    I wish it would happen to me! Why do these things never happen when *I* go shopping?!?

  2. Megan T.

    Beautiful! I’d seen the first one, but not the second one. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Don Johnson

    The story behind the second one is here.

    Don Johnson
    Jer 33.3

  4. Dennis

    I finally got around to watching these. Cool!

  5. Wes Hedrick

    I wonder if the Second Coming will be something like this.