Preaching Ruts

by Aug 17, 2010Mission, Theology

I don’t preach incredibly often. Maybe an average of once or twice a month. But I still find that it’s easy to fall into ruts. I’ve been taught better, but my wheels still tend to press into the mud.

I need help sometimes to see how wide the road is, how many biblical ways there are to accomplish some goals, how rich is the diversity of biblical themes, how many different angles the Bible gives us on God’s glory.

Carson has a helpful article doing just this in the latest Themelios. Like his excellent (highly recommended!) little book, The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God (free PDF here), the article mines the biblical evidence for his theme and shows the various ways the Bible discusses it.

In this case Carson makes application especially to people like me who do most of their preaching to non-Christians. Read it for yourself!

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