My Logos Toolbar

by Jul 30, 2008Uncategorized

For those of you who attended my afternoon Logos session at the Bible Faculty Leadership Summit (and for anyone else who’s interested), I’m posting my Logos toolbar. It began life as Phil Gons‘ toolbar, then I made some additions and deletions.

Click here to download.

Picture 1.png

Here are instructions for installing this toolbar (make sure to start with Logos shut down):

1. Download the file.

2. Unzip the file, placing the contents (Mark Ward’s Toolbar.lbxctb) inside UserFiles/CustomToolbars in your Logos directory (which is probably under Program Files). UPDATE: If you can’t find this directory, open Logos and go to Tools > Options > Power Tools > User Files to see where you have your user files.

3. Start Libronix, right click on the empty gray space below the top menu bar, and click “Customize.”

Picture 4.png

4. Make sure you check “Mark Ward’s Toolbar.” Then click “Close.”

Picture 2.png

The toolbar should be ready for use!

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