A filler post, I know

by Jan 17, 2008Uncategorized

I hope to post a little substance on the TNIV, answering a great comment I got from an SBTS Ph.D. student and part-time teacher, but I need to do that after I finish Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther for the Bible Reading Program at BJU Press.

Until then…

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My ultimate team, The Ws, is headed up to the Frozen Goose Ultimate Tournament at North Greenville University on Jan 26.

Here’s my current roster:

Here’s one of the only pics I have of me doing anything remotely cool on the frisbee field. Nine times out of ten, or more like 99 out of 100, it was Greg Bartlett grabbing the disc out of the air over my head. But the camera must have brought something out of me. Or else eating wife-cooked food took an inch off of Bartlett’s vertical:
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