What's so wrong with pop culture? It may not necessarily be the content of its TV shows, movies, and music, says Ken Myers. Instead its danger may be that it "specializes in instant gratification." Myers notes that "like most instant things, it may spoil your taste...
Christian Response to “A Common Word”
Because it would not be responsible for me just to accept the word of the video I transcribed in the previous post, I read the response to "A Common Word" issued by Christian leaders in the New York Times. I encourage you to read it and formulate your own opinion. I...
All God’s Children and Blue Suede Shoes 1
Ken Myers is the richly pleasing voice—and the far-ranging mind—behind the Mars Hill Audio Journal. He wrote a book in 1988 for Crossway's Turning Point Christian Worldview Series, called All God's Children and Blue Suede Shoes. I found it so profitable that I'm going...
What in the World! selections, no. 1
I'm planning to provide select excerpts from the What in the World! (WITW) newsletter as a regular feature of this blog. The newsletter is available free from Bob Jones University. It's been coming out for a good 20 years as a service to local churches. So here's my...
The TNIV and The Books of the Bible 2
When I showed my truly wonderful, open-minded boss my new TNIV without verse numbers and chapter numbers, he said, "Hmm. This is not a step forward." I said, "I think it is." I explained how with my new Bible you don't have verse numbers and chapter numbers...
The TNIV and The Books of the Bible
I've seen the power that preaching with a sound hermeneutic can have. Just one effect of a pulpit ministry based on solid exegesis is that listeners develop skill in reading the Bible for themselves. But most printed Bibles do good hermeneutics a disservice. Good...
Church websites
I'm designing a new church website and promotional materials for Cleveland Park Baptist Church in nearby Spartanburg, and as part of my preparation I just surveyed some of the work others are doing in this field. I came across a site which I was impressed with,...
Kidner on Ezra
Derek Kidner has been a very helpful commentator for me. I know his works (at least the ones I'm familiar with) aren't technical, but I don't always need technical. He's rare among his breed for having such pleasing prose. His style seems just perfect for the OT books...
After a while a C feels like a B
I saw this book on a bibliography for a TEDS course in TC and it looked worthwhile, so I asked BJU's Mack Library to order it. Textual Optimism: A Critique of the United Bible Societies' Greek New Testament Kent Clarke I let a teacher of mine know that the book was...
Education is the best predictor of longevity
I just heard on NPR that for every year spent in school, life expectancy goes up 18 months. So my B.A. was worth 6 years of life (for a net gain of 2). My graduate studies have so far gained me a little over 10 years (for a net gain of 3). Thank you, Bob Jones...