
George Marsden on Point of View

I've been thinking a good deal about what George Marsden wrote—in a book I have thoroughly enjoyed (two chapters to go and I'm really eager to see what he says in the final one): Let me say a word about point of view. One of the conventions of the mid-twentieth...

The Moral Argument

I just noticed an interesting entry in a New York Times series of interviews with major thinkers organized by Notre Dame philosophy professor Gary Gutting. Up to bat in this edition is Michael Ruse, author of  Atheism: What Everyone Needs to Know, and decorated...

New Article on

I just posted an evangelistic/apologetic article on Please check it out. And pray for it to have some success. Wicked Ignorance

A Grace Story

David and Stephanie Heimann are valued friends to my wife and me, they are colaborers in ministry, and they are both objects of God's amazing grace. They were recently baptized after coming to understand over time that their initial professions of faith were not...

Teaching Japanese Christianly

A friend wrote me in my capacity as a member of the Bible Integration Team at BJU Press: Honestly, I struggle ... as I teach Japanese. I do talk about how learning languages and other cultures is important from Christian perspective etc. at the beginning of the school...

C. S. Lewis on Honest Opinions

In the rich, classic story The Great Divorce, C. S. Lewis pictures a Christian and an atheist discussing the claims of Christianity. Both were scholars of a sort. They grew up together; they were schooled together; they lost their faith together. Then one of them,...

Bryan College Conflict over Creationism

I attended a creation-evolution conference at Bryan a few years back. Now the college itself, at least according to the New York Times, is facing internal conflict over the issue. Note that the Times doesn't give any figure much more than a sound bite, so it's hard to...

Review: Did Adam Exist?

Did Adam Exist? by Vern S Poythress My rating: 4 of 5 stars Classic polymathic Poythress. He takes a consistent presuppositionalist approach to the issue at hand and yet doesn't use his faith as an excuse to avoid the science relevant to his topic. The book is so...

Poythress: Absolute Truth Is Relative In Certain Respects

Wise and careful words about truth from Vern Poythress' Symphonic Theology (free online here): While truth is absolute, any one human being’s knowledge of the truth is relative in certain respects. First, knowledge of the truth is not exhaustive knowledge of all...

Bavinck on Anthropology

This is pretty dense, but it's rich. I wish I'd seen it during my dissertation work (with which it is quite consistent). It reflects Herman Bavinck's incredibly wide view of the field of theology. I've really enjoyed absorbing his century-old material on the image of...

The Literal Meaning of Literal

In the American South, it can still feel natural to have religious discussions with strangers. My last was with a friendly and professional C-Dry Basement services salesman. Standing in my mildly leaky, retirement-age home (b. 1948), he told me confidently, "You can't...