
Counting the Ten Commandments

Were you aware that different groups enumerate the ten commandments differently? Knowing about alternative interpretations helps me ask questions of my own interpretations that I haven't yet thought of. The major crux interpretum I'm aware of in this passage regards...

Radio Lab: A This American Life Alternative

Before I got married I used to spend a bit more time listening to MP3s... There's been a marked drop-off in my listening time. Why would I want to listen to anything other than the sweet voice of my beautiful wife? But if she and I ever do take time to listen to MP3s...

Carl Trueman as Dove and Serpent

A follow-up on my last post: For a calm, loving, and incisive response to Lisa Miller's pro-gay opinion piece in Newsweek, see Carl Trueman's excellent article at Reformation 21. Carl Trueman is always, always worth reading, even if he thinks the blogosphere is a...

What Is Original Sin?

Alan Jacobs, in his new book Original Sin, lists "five distinct beliefs" which make up an Augustinian anthropology (or a belief in original sin): You must believe that everyone behaves in ways that we usually describe as selfish, cruel, arrogant, and so on. You must...

Original Sin

"Original Sin: A Cultural History" (Alan Jacobs) I just finished Original Sin, an excellent book by Wheaton English professor Alan Jacobs (heretofore of Books and Culture and First Things fame). It's obviously appropriate to argue for the doctrine of original sin via...

Liberty, License, Legalism

I recently recommended a message by my pastor, Mark Minnick. Here are my notes from that message, taken on my trusty Palm IIIxe. Minnick does something he rarely does: he chooses a controlling metaphor. In the hands of many such a metaphor is a cheesy device. But used...