
Faerie and Metanarrative

JRR Tolkien, author of the Lord of the Rings, once commented that stories like his, at their best, serve as "a far-off gleam or echo of evangelium [the gospel] in the real world." And one famous conversation in his epic tale, one I pull out and read every so often,...

The JEC at YDS

I'm at the Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale Divinity School for a week taking a course on Edwards' Religious Affections. It's been fun and informative, especially our time viewing Edwards' manuscripts and our class discussions—which I had the honor of starting the...

Tyndale Tech

Make sure to check out Tyndale Tech’s latest release. David Instone-Brewer seems to know all about what’s going in the technology of biblical studies. He mentions a good number of interesting sites I wasn’t even aware of.

A Smattering of Notes on Free Will

Augustine in 426 wrote On Grace and Free Will. Erasumus wrote a book in 1524 called On the Freedom of the Will. Luther, an Augustinian, replied in 1525 with his book, On the Bondage of the Will. Edwards wrote a book in 1754 called Freedom of the Will, yes, but the...

Biblical Theology, Practical Application, And Pendulum Swings

I found the following excerpt from Michael Lawrence’s new Biblical Theology in the Life of the Church (browse; buy) really helpful. I’ve been excited about the storyline view of Scripture, and I still believe it is primary. It is essential to know that the Bible is...

What Is the Chief End of Man?

What did the authors of the Westminster Catechism mean by "enjoy" in their first question? Did they mean what we mean by the word—"to take delight in"? Or did they in fact mean something different, "to give joy to"? Is man's chief end "to glorify God and give joy to...

Periodic Reminder

I’m the semi-official Logos Bible Software representative for BJU. Honestly, I’d rather your money go through the Campus Store, but there are some details which haven’t fallen into place there yet. Here is the discount link for BJU faculty, staff, and students:...

The Christian Science Monitor on the New Calvinism

The Christian Science Monitor (which, by the way, has little to do with Christian Science and is a respected mainstream news source): Much of modern Christianity preaches a comforting Home Depot theology: You can do it. We can help. Epitomized by popular titles...

Frame / Φρειμ / פרֵם

I wrote this for a Bible Truths lesson on evangelism: …that’s the extent of your responsibility—just faithfully, clearly, and lovingly deliver the message. The Bible compares evangelists to heralds, people whose job it was to journey to a faraway place and announce...