
Cool New Way to Use the Best Word Processor

I love Google Docs. I live by Google Docs. I can't believe I ever lived with anything else. It strikes just the right balance between simplicity and power. It's made for writers like me who constantly need to send out documents for edits and comments without causing a...

Ting Vs Charge for Cell Service

I like Ting a lot. The pricing model is well conceived, and the resultant costs are low. The customer service is fantastic. The website and mobile apps function flawlessly. I never get unexpected charges. Laura and I have been on it for three years, and our average...

Biblical Worldview: Creation, Fall, Redemption Promo Video

Biblical Worldview: Creation, Fall, Redemption now has a promo page on If you haven't yet purchased a copy, you will want to do so now that there is a promo page. Bryan Smith, the presenter on the video there, is the one whose vision I was trying to live...

How to Listen to YouTube Lectures as Podcasts

Update: I have a massively revised version of this set of tips here. I am all the time seeing YouTube lectures I want to listen to—that's right, listen to, not watch. I just can't watch a YouTube lecture. I'm distracted by all the other things I need to do on my...

Listen to YouTube

I don't have time to watch YouTube videos that exceed 8 minutes in length. But there are plenty of lectures and sermons on YouTube that I'd like to listen to that I don't need to watch to benefit from. For the last several months I've been using to...

Quick Tech Advice: Free 411

Thanks, David Pogue, for the great advice on how to get directory assistance for free!

Site Stats for 2014

A few of my most dedicated readers may find this annual By Faith We Understand WordPress blog report interesting.

Mac Apps I Can’t Live Without

I use many of the apps that comes with OS X, such as Calendar (I have it hooked into a Google Calendar I share with my wife), Reminders, Messages, and Notes. Although other apps may be more full-featured, they're not integrated with Siri and not as simple to use. I...

Best Ting Deal I’ve Seen

  Ting is offering it's best deal ever—I know, because I've had Ting from its earliest days. Get $100 credit on a phone or $100 off service by clicking this referral link—and I get $50 of service credit. Plus, Ting has the best website and the best customer...

Kindle Aping Oyster?

Wow! This could be extremely cool—Amazon opening a subscription service like Oyster Books. Or, like Oyster, it could be extremely cool and ultimately not conducive to my personal and financial purposes. I really liked Oyster and signed up immediately, but I let my...

Droplr Awesome

I love Droplr, and over the last six months I have used it nearly 800 times. It's one of the very few online services that I pay actual money for (I used to pay for LastPass, but I switched to 1Password, which is slightly better for my needs and has a one-time fee)....

The Day of Small Things, Part 2

See below to find out what happens when Tim Challies links to your obscure blog! (At the very end of the graph you can see a comparatively small tick upwards from a link I just got on the Crossway blog.)