I won’t be graduating this May. That’s the short of it. The long of it is that I will probably graduate in August and that I may even be a “doctor” before May—but not in enough time to walk in the ceremony. I do not know when my defense will be, though the committee...
New Blog Design
I just installed a new theme for the blog; it’s my favorite yet. Kudos to Nick Roach of Elegant Themes, whose sites are easy to use, powerful, and beautiful. Buy a theme from him by clicking this link and you support the work of βλογάπη. For $39, you can download as...
Dissertation Update
These are my official due dates for the dissertation. All are Fridays: Defense Draft—March 11 (five copies, spiral bound) by 5 p.m. Dissertation Defense—March 25, two weeks later. Records Office Draft—April 1. Registrar's Draft—April 15. I will need God’s grace to get...
Dissertation Completed—Sort Of!
I have reached the end of the dissertation, but I'm 3,395 words over my absolute top word limit and I have some editing to do anyway. I hope to accomplish that today. I praise the Lord for in-laws who let me work in their basement for two weeks (they got time with...
Christmas Baby
A little cuteness for my snowed-in Greenville friends to enjoy. (If anyone happens to drive past my house in Taylors, can you let me know if any pipes appear to have burst or any tree limbs have destroyed the roof? I am a little concerned...)
The Singular We
A minor exegetical note that I'm sure I'm not the first to notice but did just now: Do you sometimes get the sense that Paul is using something like the "royal we" ("Unhand our royal person!"), that when he says "we" he means "me"? Here's some evidence that you were...
Ticker Updated
Two big chapters just got approved, so my Dissertation Word Count Ticker has been duly updated. Thank you for your prayers, those who have prayed. I've been able to accomplish much by God's grace in recent months. I have some major distance left to travel, but I'm on...
Edmund Waller on 10/10/10, Or Maybe—Let’s Face It—10/10/40
The soul’s dark cottage, battered and decayed, Lets in new light through chinks that time has made; Stronger by weakness, wiser men become, As they draw near to their eternal home. Leaving the old, both worlds at once they view, That stand upon the threshold of the...
Chapter 3 Approved
Praise the Lord: chapter 3 of the dissertation sailed through smoothly. Please pray that chapter 4 would do the same. Thank you to those who have prayed for me. I've updated my word-count ticker.
It’s kind of neat. Add up the numbers in today’s date and you get my new age. Not like New Age, new age. I mean I’ve entered a new decade of life, and I want to say publicly (if this blog even counts) that I’m thankful for the divine gifts in the previous decade. I...
A relative recently informed me that my baby, now that he is 6 months old, can understand 75% of what I say. This has gotten me thinking. Does that mean that when I say, “Hey, baby!” he starts to lose the thread at about ba-? Or does he just lose interest? Or is it...
One more Congratulations
My best man and ever “former roommate” got back to work today after a two-week honeymoon. I had the real privilege of serving as his best man, in fact. My arms and legs almost fell off standing up there waiting for the official hitching to take place, but it was all...