Proof of what is unseen.



Proof of what is unseen.


Thom Rainer on Twitter

A responsible adult with a good head on his shoulders and a year in twitterverse under his belt offers "Ten Reasons Why I Use Twitter." Here's one: 3. Information. Twitter offers a wealth of incredible information. If I want to find out about a topic of interest, I enter the topic in the search and I receive more information from fellow tweeters than I could ever use. Most of the tweets have great links that guide me to even more information. Read the rest...

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Usage Determines Meaning—Ad Nauseam

Usage, ah, Usage... What a fickle goddess! No hobgoblin of little minds are you! At the end of blog posts for the last few years (notably those of JT), bloggers have been including "Hat Tips," little acknowledgments to other bloggers who have supplied the author with a good link. Something like this: HT: John Doe A "hat tip," of course, is a metaphor for acknowledgment. "HT: John Doe" means "I tip my hat to John Doe (for bringing this link to my attention)." But, O Usage! What hast thou done?...

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Cum Laude in Evading Bandits

Nicholas Kristof is one of my favorite liberals. I would love to win one of his trips! Here's just a little bit of his good advice to world travelers: 2. Carry cash and your passport where no robber will find it. Assuming that few bandits read this column, I’ll disclose that I carry mine in a pouch that loops onto my belt and tucks under my trousers. Read the whole thing...

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The Shack

The Shack has taken America by storm, and like most storms it has kicked up a good bit of controversial dust along the way. I recently reviewed it in order to get a free copy. Mackenzie Alan Phillips is the central character in The Shack. His young daughter, Missy, was murdered by a serial killer, and over the years the resulting Great Sadness has almost incapacitated him. He's a Christian. A seminary graduate, in fact. But while his wife seems to have been able to find comfort in God, "Mack"...

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I'm writing a blog post about a blog post about an Internet article about the use of the Internet. So here goes. Click here for Alan Jacobs' comments on this New York Magazine article. Jacobs is a bit of a Christian Neil Postman sometimes. He helps me, anyway, look at my technological life with wiser eyes. (But he writes everything in BBEdit, which makes him part of the problem, not the solution! =)

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