The First Thing I Ever Wrote That I Still Have

by Jul 19, 2022Personal

This is so random, and I don’t know who would care—but I just stumbled across the very first document I saved in what ultimately became my Dropbox/Academics folder. It was an exercise I wrote for an English class in high school. I was 16 and 3 mos.

What I find fascinating is that I was interested, at this quite early date, in language change. The first time I remember caring about and noticing language change was while reading (in early high school?) the dystopian novel Earth Abides. I specifically recall the scene in the book in which one of the survivors of the plague notices, decades after that plague, that the young folks around him were speaking in distinctive ways. Was that the foundation of my interest in language change? I don’t know. But clearly, language changes—and my interest in language change doesn’t.

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