A Fundamentalism Worth Saving

by Oct 12, 2012ChurchLife6 comments

It’s time to resurrect a favorite essay of mine, Kevin Bauder’s “A Fundamentalism Worth Saving.” I read this thing multiple times on my Palm IIIxe back in the mid 2000s, and I noticed recently that it was languishing in an ugly format on the AACCS site. So I have taken the liberty of gussying it up and reissuing it as a PDF (click on the image to the left).

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  1. Aaron Blumer

    Nicely done! ….and still a good read.

  2. Michael Collins

    Broken link, FYI.

    • Mark Ward

      Fixed! Thanks for the tip.

  3. Greg Burgess

    Hi Mark – link still seems to be broken at 11:35 am EST.

    • Mark Ward

      Ouch. Not sure what happened. Double fixed!

      • Greg Burgess

        Thank you Mark! Merry Christmas!