Excellent Insights on the KJV from Rod Decker at the Bible Faculty Leadership Summit

by Aug 2, 2012KJV

Too often the KJV as a translation has been credited with various forms of influence when it is really the biblical message—Scripture—that deserves the credit. The fact that there was no other commercially available translation for nearly three centuries and none that ever gained widespread use for another three-quarters of a century means that any impact that the Bible has had in our world has, of necessity, been the KJV. Had any other decent translation been designated by the political process (which is what brought the KJV to prominence…) as the “chosen” version, whether Tyndale or Bishops’ or Geneva, the result would likely have been very nearly the same. Granted, it was by God’s providence that the KJV was, indeed, the version used, but that does not logically result in the conclusion that it was inspired or the best possible translation or the only translation that could have achieved the results that did flow from more than three centuries of nearly exclusive use. Were exclusive use the criteria of “God-blessedness,” then we would be forced to concede that position to the Latin Vulgate.

Read the whole excellent article here.

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  1. Bible and Mission Links 21 - [...] (great name for a website) has a fascinating link to a piece which evaluates the historical impact of the…