Greenville-Area BibleWorks Seminar

by Feb 1, 2012Exegesis, NTScholarship, Tech

I will be putting on an area-wide BibleWorks seminar at Morningside Baptist Church. There will be two sessions:

Beginner-Intermediate (Feb 11, 9:30 am–12:00 pm)

Gain a solid understanding of how to use BibleWorks in real-life exegesis and sermon prep. I assume you know nothing and then give you all the skills you need to use BibleWorks daily.

Advanced (Feb 18, 9:30 am–11 am) + Logos 4 Crash Course (11 am – 12 pm)

We’ll cover all the advanced features of BibleWorks, including the textual critical advancements in BW 9. Then for one hour I will give you tips on how to use Logos 4 and what to buy. (Those with BibleWorks 7 and 8 should do fine except for about half an hour of the advanced course.)

There will be a break in the middle of each session, and I hope to provide generous time for questions and personal attention after each session.

Free snacks may appear if my wife is so inclined and my children are good the day before. =)


  • STUDENTS: $10 each session ($15 to attend both)
  • NON-STUDENTS: $20 each session ($30 to attend both)
  • $5 if you want to attend only the Logos Crash Course

We should have space for walk-ins, but click below to reserve a spot. Those who sign up will receive a very small goody hardly worth their effort.

Google Sign Up! Facebook Sign Up!

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