Happy Belated Birth Announcement

by Nov 23, 2011Personal3 comments

When you go from zero kids to one, Daddy still gets extra time for blogging because the newborn needs to be bounced to sleep every night while Mommy rests.

But when you go from one to two, there’s no time for that. Or anything. Even finishing this senten

So I’m sorry this is so late! (But you both knew about this already, right?)


Here are some more pictures:

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  1. Don Johnson

    Yeah, you think you’re a busy dad now, eh? Wait till there’s three. Then they have you and mom outnumbered. Total exhaustion follows.

    But it’s a good exhaustion. Kind of wish we could be stuck in a time warp, back there…

    Don Johnson
    Jer 33.3

  2. Don Johnson

    P. S. Congratulations!

  3. Jeremy Patterson

    Congratulations! I too am still waiting for my life to return to normal levels of stress and busyness. I guess this is the new normal.