ACPADI Book Club

by Jul 13, 2011ACPADI Book Club, Books5 comments


Would you like to join the All the Cool People Are Doing It (ACPADI) Book Club? Our subtitular name is the Blogape Book Consortium (BBC) if you don’t like ACPADI. There are only two members so far, but we are willing to grant that more cool people exist, and we have left some room for them in our club.

Here’s the deal: every week during the month of August we are going to read a chapter of Creation Regained: Biblical Basics for a Reformational Worldview. In order to be part of the club, you have to read the chapter and make at least one cool and intelligent comment each week. I will be writing a weekly post every Friday morning for you to comment on; I and other club members will interact with your comments.

C’mon! All the Cool People Are Doing It!

Al Wolter’s book Creation Regained is a modern classic, and it’s the kind of little book that bears repeat readings. It follows in the tradition of Herman Bavinck, but it is a good deal less prolix. I personally have appreciated how the book hews to Scripture and also shows me a scriptural framework through which to evaluate my world.

To recap…

When (each week is a Monday through Friday):

  • Aug 1-5: Ch.1 What is a Worldview?
  • Aug 8-12: Ch.2 Creation
  • Aug 15-19: Ch.3 Fall
  • Aug 22-26: Ch.4 Redemption
  • Aug 29-Sep 2: Ch.5 Discerning Structure and Direction

What: Write something cool.

Who: Cool People. Please do let me know if you’re planning on doing it. But even if you are too cool to let me know, you are still welcome to participate if you read the chapters. Oh, and the other founding member is the definition of cool. Do you know him?


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  1. Dave Crooks

    I’m in, my mom says I’m cool.

  2. Jeremy Larson

    I will plan on it. (I just finished reading Machen’s Christianity and Liberalism “with” Tim Challies—this is a good endeavor!) I should order a copy now, I guess…

  3. Ken Casillas

    The other member goes his start in life as a member of the Spanish Mission Team. Glad to see how far he’s come!

  4. Ken Casillas

    Hey, wait. Jeremy Larson went on the Spanish Team too. This is scary. I hope Wesley Barley joins this club also.

  5. Dustin

    Coolness have I none. Book have I neither. One will I soon gain.