One Good Reason to Be on Twitter

by Aug 21, 2009Tech1 comment

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I said it, too: “Who wants to know what other people had for breakfast?”

But I signed up for Twitter anyway, dutifully, because my blog’s subtitle is “theology, tech, theology tech.” And I’ve found that, despite one problem I will—dutifully—note, I am glad for Twitter’s existence.

Here’s why: it has brought out of the woodwork some talented, gospel-centered micro-bloggers whose voices would not have provoked me to love and good works otherwise. Actual fundamentalist leaders are still underrepresented in the blogosphere, but Twitter’s lower time demand and learning curve have changed things.

Now you can hear from some sound fundamentalist voices that had been silent.

For example, if you’re a ministerial student, sign up for Kerry McGonigal’s feed. He knows, loves, and produces sound homiletics, and he’s an elder at his local body (namely my own!). You need to be challenged by observing what he loves, how much he knows, and what he reads.

Now for the problem. I’m already too scatterbrained by the Internet; focusing on one task is already way too far from second-nature. Twitter obviously doesn’t help.

However, I actually find that the brevity of the tweets that pop up on my screen (and I’m selective about whom I follow) allows me to get a quick benefit and go back to my main task quickly without losing my thread.

So my Twitter philosophy is a work in progress.

And I had Cream of Wheat.

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1 Comment
  1. Brian

    Actually you had a breakfast casserole and grapes. Tell Laura thanks for a great breakfast.