Why Macs are better

by Jan 1, 2008Uncategorized

A theme on this blog is going to have to be computers and how they affect the academic study of the Bible–because that’s a theme with me.

But we’ve got to be irenic. No sarcastically cute videos. Just the humble facts for those who really want to know.

So here’s a list:



iLife integration: iCal with Address with Mail

Built-in camera and mic

Similar menus for all Apple programs

Stronger core architecture; far fewer restarts than my old Dell

Installing programs is so much easier and cleaner

Apps installed in one spot means easier upgrades

Hot corners, Dashboard, Expose, Spaces

Keyboard shortcuts easily manageable and adjustable

Quicksilver (!)

Good looks inside and out

Drag and drop on springloaded everything

Switch keyboard layouts quickly for Greek and Hebrew typing

iWeb and iPhoto make you look good with little work

Tons of well-designed freeware apps

Easily put any folder in Finder sidebar

OS comes with screenshot shortcuts–very handy


Well-engineered keyboard

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